for loading road salt
Your individual solution
A further development by the Haslinger Group of Companies is a salt crane solution for loading spreading salt. In order to deliver as efficient a solution as possible, the cranes were developed together with the company AS Schuster, who have been active in the salt crane area for years but is leaving the sector. The cranes are project-managed and manufactured in our factory.
Herbert Mirwald
Qualified Engineer (FH)
Outside service, Leader of Project Management
Sales of Crane systems/ Lifting gear
Mobile +49 171 8108907
Tel. +49 9495 9030121
Fax +49 9495 9030180
Your benefits at a glance:
- high working safety for the operating personnel
- safe location of the operator - well way from the loading procedure
- no unpleasant odours from vehicle exhausts and wheel loaders
- no noise from vehicle engines
- simple handling of the crane system by radio
- no electrical supplies in the working area e.g. in a conveyor belt
- Salt removal possible from all parts of the hall
- clean pick-up due to loading shovel
- no scattering of the spreading material when loading the spreading machines
- no moving up of vehicle needed during loading procedure
- no damage to vehicles and spreading machines by wheel loaders
- no set-down area needed for conveyor belt or wheel loader
- loading operation only takes a few minutes
- crane system ready to use at the push of a button even at low temperatures
- no subsequent cleaning of the crane system needed after use
- high operating security of the system
- very low servicing costs, maintenance only at the end of the winter season
- electrical remote operation and switch cabinets mounted outside the salt area