Galvanized small parts
Small parts especially are blue galvanized in our newly-installed galvanic equipment (barrel plating). In-house galvanization is used especially for corrosion protection of dowel rods (HMR Jacob)
and a great variety of customer work-pieces.
Small parts:
- max.5 kg individual weight
- max. individual length 950 mm
- we offer only blue galvanized goods, as for environmental reasons we do not use yellow chromate coatings (Cr-VI free passivation)
- meets EN 1232 (previously DIN 50961)
- very thin layer thickness (approx. 8 µm)
- can be varnished and resistant to stickers
- temperature-resistant
- prevents contact corrosion
Martin Bauer
Authorized Representative/ Works manager
Sales HMR Jacob
Tel. +49 8543 9618-512